Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Round 1

Ok, so here's the first one. When you think you have an answer respond below. Or just respond for the hell of it.

SEX/NUDITY 5 - Sexual innuendo and oral sex, masturbation and child molestation references. Scantily clad women in a few scenes, female bare buttocks and a brief shot of full frontal female nudity. A porn film is seen on TV showing a woman's bare breasts. An extended scene where topless women are bounced up and down on a big blanket (shown at least twice). A drawing of a naked man. A couple is shown in bed together with sheets up to their shoulders, evidently after sex.

VIOLENCE/GORE 5 - A man is beaten up by a group of men, including having his head shoved into a toilet. A man is hit in the jaw. A gun is accidentally fired and a man crashes his car as a result. A man is thrown on the ground and when he's picked up we hear bones creaking. A police officer throws a man around and kicks him. A little bit of blood is seen on some gauze on a toe. A man bites another man's ear off and we see blood where the ear was; the biter's face is bloody and we see him spitting the ear out. Reckless driving, lots of scenes of property damage. A frenzied ferret is thrown into a tub with a man and nearly scratches and hurts the man as a result. Threatening with a gun.

BONUS: 240 F-words

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